Welcome Letter

August 18, 2010
Dear Students and Families,

Welcome to Seventh or Eighth Grade Math! I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know you or see you again, and I’m looking forward to a happy and productive school year. Curriculum areas we will focus on this year include fulfilling the Colorado Math Content Standards and the Core Knowledge Curriculum for seventh grade math. Knowing the standards and curriculum that we will be studying allows everyone involved the opportunity to know in advance what will be taught this year.

Colorado Math Content Standards
Standard 1 - Number Sense, Properties, and Operations
Number sense provides students with a firm foundation in mathematics. Being a student of mathematics involves building a deep understanding of quantity, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems. Students learn that numbers are governed by properties and understanding these properties leads to fluency with operations.
Standard 2 - Patterns, Functions, and Algebraic Structures
Pattern sense gives students a lens with which to understand trends and commonalities. Being a student of mathematics involves recognizing and representing mathematical relationships and analyzing change. Students learn that the structures of algebra allow complex ideas to be expressed succinctly.
Standard 3 - Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
Data and probability sense provides a student with tools to make meaning of information and uncertainty. Being a student of mathematics involves asking questions and then gathering or using data to answer these questions. Students learn that there are a variety of data analysis and statistics strategies that enable them to analyze, develop and evaluate inferences based on data. Probability provides the foundation for collecting, describing, and interpreting data.
Standard 4 - Shape, Dimension, and Geometric Relationships
Geometric sense allows students to comprehend space and shape. Students analyze the characteristics and relationships of shapes and structures, engage in logical reasoning, and use tools and techniques to determine measurement. Students learn that geometry and measurement are useful in representing and solving problems in real world as well as in mathematics.

7th Grade Core Knowledge Standards
o Properties of Real Numbers
o Linear Applications and Proportionality
o Polynomial Arithmetic
o Equivalent Equations and Inequalities
o Integer Exponents Geometry
o Three-Dimensional Objects
o Angle Pairs
o Triangles
o Measurement Probability and Statistics

8th Grade Core Knowledge Standards
o Properties of Real Number Relations, Function, and Graphs
o Linear Equations and Functions
o Arithmetic of Rational Expression
o Quadratic Equations and Functions Geometry
o Analytic Geometry
o Introduction to Trigonometry
o Triangles and Proofs Probability and Statistics

The 7th and 8th grade math homework policy is the students will have homework, which we will now refer to as ‘practice’, approximately three times a week. Practice is a very important assessment to ensure student learning and comprehension. I will strive to get all handed-in assignments back to each student within 48 hours. Homework handed in until 4:00pm on the day it was day will be eligible up to 50% of the original credit. Any homework handed in the following day (or later) will result in zero credit. All homework will be

posted daily on my teacher blog (found on www.bromleyeastcs.org). All work must be shown in order to receive full credit; this is so I know what the student is thinking when going through the problems. When students are absent, they will have until the end of the week to get the work handed in for full credit; after that week, the homework will only be accepted for zero credit. Each student’s grade will be comprised of assessments, which we will now refer to as ‘evidence’. In order to be eligible to correct any evidence, the student may not have any missing practice assignments. If the student does have missing practice assignments, he/she is able to come in after school for extra help BEFORE the evidence is done in class.

The behavior regulations that we will follow in our classroom will be made in class during the first week with assistance from the students in the class. There are both positive and negative consequences involving the behavior regulations. When a student chooses to break a behavior regulation, that student is choosing to accept the consequence of that behavior. Likewise, following the behavior regulations results in positive consequences for the student and possibly the entire class. Following the behavior regulations will lead to a harmonious learning environment and every student will be on the road to a successful year in math. Rewards include smiles, high fives, thumbs up, certificates, a positive note or email home, or a positive phone call home.

We are extremely fortunate to have an interactive whiteboard in our classroom. It motivates student learning and allows students to interact with their math. This is a very expensive piece of equipment; therefore, students will not be allowed in my classroom during passing periods. I will show the students how to use it in class, but it should absolutely not be touched when I am not in the vicinity. If expectations regarding the SmartBoard are not adhered to, there will be major consequences. This piece of equipment takes our classroom into a whole new way of learning.

An upcoming school event all 7th and 8th grade parents should be aware of is Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, August 18th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. I look forward to meeting you at this event. Please mark that date on your calendar. Studies show that parental involvement in a child’s education is one of the strongest indicators of student achievement. We hope you will make it a priority this year to attend as many school-sponsored events as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to visit our classroom, schedule a conference, or volunteer to help out, you can contact me at 720-685-3297 x222 or jcornish@bromleyeastcs.org. Once again, welcome to 7th or 8th Grade Math. Let’s work together to make this the best year yet!


Jennifer A. Cornish, M. A.
7th/8th Grade Math Teacher
Bromley East Charter School
720.685.3297 x222