Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Unfortunately we did not get into GESTEM this year, they only had room for 13 schools and registration filled up very quickly. I am so sorry, but thank goodness we are all going to Stemapalooza that day and will learn many great things!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eagle Ridge Academy Info Expo

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is finally fixed for Mrs. Cornish's classes!!!! Check out your student's grades and remember we are doing standards based grading! If you do see a percentage showing up, please ignore it, you are looking for a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Please let me know if you have any questions!

(If you notice your child has 1's, ask them if they corrected the evidence (everyone was given the opportunity). If there are any missing assignments, students are not allowed to correct evidence.) 


Paperless is Here!  We will now post all flyers, announcements, newsletters, etc. on our website.  If you prefer to receive a paper copy of materials, you will need to request this option by signing a form available in the front office.  Please take time to complete this form, and we will put copies of Friday Folder items in your youngest child’s Friday Folder beginning on Friday, October 1.