Middle School Math Homework Policy
Math homework is a very important part of a child’s education. We feel that homework is where students practice the learning from the classroom. Students are EXPECTED to complete ALL homework practice assignments in full with their highest effort. Below is a list of the homework policies we will be using in conjunction with the new Math Standards Based Grading.
*Homework assignments will generally be between 10 and 20 questions. Students will be checked on 5 randomly chosen questions, as a “snapshot” of the students understanding.
*Student’s scores for homework will be recorded and will be noted as inactive in the grade book. This means the homework is NOT part of the grade, but we will have a record of students understanding. These scores are recorded as documentation of effort, timeliness, and understanding of material covered.
*If a student does not complete an assignment by the beginning of a class period they will be REQUIRED to come in for Study Hall/Recess in order to complete the assignment. Work turned in during Study Hall/Recess will noted as Late.
*Students WILL NOT be allowed to complete test correction if they have not completed ALL homework assignments for that unit BEFORE the test or quiz. Test corrections improve overall understanding of material and subsequently successful achievement of the standard.
Please understand as a math department we firmly believe that practice does make perfect, and the more a student practices the skills they learn, the more likely they will be to retain these skills. We do not believe in rote memorization, and homework assignments will include higher level, problem solving questions in order to apply the learning to real-world situations.